Our philosophy at Mars Hill Chiropractic Center is based on premium quality, personalized treatments for each and every patient. Honesty and sincerity is a merit that is continuously strived for during each office visit.
Chiropractic care (spinal manipulation/mobilization) isn’t the solution to every complaint of neck pain, lower back pain, or headaches. There are many different non-invasive treatment options. If you elect to try Chiropractic care for pain relief and don’t see a significant improvement, we can provide you with other possible treatment options that may offer you relief.
As a patient at our clinic, you’ll never be asked to become a life-long patient or be required pay a large lump sum of cash up front in order to be treated. We believe in treating you to get you out of pain and trying to aid you in becoming mindful of your body, in an attempt to minimize the chances of exacerbating the injury that brought you to our office.
Each and every patient and their reaction to treatment is different. For a few, they may be seen 2-3 times and be pain-free for months at a time. For others, due to their specific conditions, they might see that coming in once every 4 weeks, 6 weeks, or even 2 months is what keeps their body from relapsing into the level of pain that originally brought them into our office.
Catching that “tweak” in your back or neck during the early stages, when the pain is tolerable, may minimize the risk of a reoccurrence or exacerbation of your original condition.